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Glebe Hill Family Practice - Dr Tim Jones

Dr Tim Jones

Specialist General Practitioner

Tim grew up locally and completed his medical degree at UTAS in 2011. He spent a number of years working at the Royal Hobart Hospital prior to entering general practice. He received his Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners in 2017. Tim lives with his wife and family and outside of work enjoys bushwalking around our beautiful state and indulging his eclectic taste in music. He also works as a medical educator for both RACGP Tasmania and Emerging Minds.

Tim enjoys the broad variety of medicine that general practice allows. Tim's area of special interest is paediatrics and he is currently providing developmental and behavioural services in this area for the Tasmanian Health Service. He is passionate about health issues affecting children and has a special interest in providing nurturing support to infant feeding, settling and general health concerns, supporting positive child mental health and children with complex health concerns.

Tim runs a Development & Behavioural Assistance clinic for children aged 0-12 years once a month on a Wednesday afternoon.


Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, plus Saturdays (once a month) at Glebe Hill Family Practice.

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