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GHFP - Michelle French, Physiotherapist

Melissa (Mel) French

Batchelor of Physiotherapy, Graduate Certificate Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy
Physiotherapist - Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist

Melissa (Mel) started consulting at Glebe Hill Family Practice in March 2024. As a junior physiotherapist, Mel worked in musculoskeletal, sports and orthopaedic settings, before completing her clinical pilates qualifications and her Graduate Certificate in Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy in 2015. Mel has since been dedicated to furthering her skills and knowledge in the pelvic floor physiotherapy field and has worked in private practices, gastroenterology and obstetrics practices. Mel works colaboratively with patients and her care is holistic. Mel works with men and women with pelvic pain, bladder and bowel concerns, prolapse, back and pelvic girdle pain and provides antenatal and post-natal care and advice. Mel also has a particular interest in safe exercise prescription for pelvic floor.


Initial Physiotherapy Consultation: $130

Subsequent Physiotherapy Consultation: $115

A $5 discount on Physiotherapy appointment fees is available for concession-card-holders on weekdays (Monday to Friday). Full fees apply to Saturday appointments.

A Medicare rebate of $58.30 may be available for patients who have:

  • an EPC referral for patients who have a Care Plan (GP Management Plan & Team Care Arrangement), or
  • a referral from a GP for allied health services for patients who have had an Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Health Check

Private referrrals are accepted. (Private Health Fund rebates vary depending on the cover).

Glebe Hill Family Practice uses HICAPS for prompt private health rebates at the surgery.

Referrals are welcome from outside of Glebe Hill Family Practice.


Saturday mornings at Glebe Hill Family Practice 

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